Listen to our interview on Travel with Rick Steves
WINNER - Best Feature Documentary
Seattle Transmedia and Independent Film Festival
WINNER - Silver Award for Feature Documentary
ReelHeART International Film and Screenplay Festival, Toronto
NOMINATED - Best Documentary
Lund International Architecture Film Festival - Lund, Sweden
ARCH DAILY named Christiania - 40 Years of Occupation
one of the top architecture films to watch in 2015
Current / Upcoming Screenings
Stay Tuned

Past Screenings
5/10/19 - 6/30/19 Together! The New Architecture of the Collective
Maison de l'Architecture - Genève, Switzerland
November 2018 - March 2019 Together! The New Architecture of the Collective
GRASSI Museum - Leipzig, Germany
March - June 2018 Together! The New Architecture of the Collective
CID – Centre for Innovation and Design - Hornu, Belgium
July - October, 2017 ADFF:Seoul@Storage
Architecture and Design Film Festival @ Storage Gallery - Seoul, South Korea
June-September 2017 Together! The New Architecture of the Collective
Vitra Design Museum - Weil am Rhein, Germany
October, November 2016 - hong kong social movement film festival - Hong Kong, China
September 2016 - Foundation Art Island: In Quarantine - Contemporary Hermitages
- Rotterdam, The Netherlands
August 2016 - Oberliht Association - Chișinău, Moldova
May 2016 - Fair Cinema - LAB111 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands
April 2016 - Novi Fokus Nis - International Architecture Film Festival - Nis, Serbia
March 2016 - Cinema Night at Het Nieuwe Instituut - Rotterdam, The Netherlands
November 2015 - Folkets Bio - Växjö, Sweden
November 2015 - Col-legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Ecumenopolis - Barcelona, Spain
November 2015 - Northwest Filmmakers' Festival - Portland, OR *
October 2015 - Yerba Buena Center for the Arts - San Francisco, CA *
October 2015 - Doctober, Pickford Film Center - Bellingham, WA *
September 2015 - Lund International Architecture Film Festival - Lund, Sweden *
September 2015 - Burning Man - Black Rock Desert, Nevada
July 2015 - ReelHeART International Film and Screenplay Festival - Toronto, Canada *
June 2015 - Northwest Film Forum - Seattle, Washington *
May - July 2015 - Resene Architecture & Design Film Festival; Auckland - Wellington - Dunedin - Christchurch, New Zealand
May 2015 - Seattle Transmedia & Independent Film Festival - Seattle, Washington *
April 2015 - Helms Bakery, Culver City - Los Angeles, California *
March 2015 - SOHO House; New York, LA, Chicago
March 2015 - Budapest Architecture Film Days - Budapest, Hungary *
March 2015 - Kumu Art Museum - Tallinn, Estonia *
March 2015 - European Premiere: Byens Lys, Christiania - Copenhagen, Denmark *
November 2014 - Carrboro Film Festival - Carrboro, North Carolina
October 2014 - World Premiere: Architecture and Design Film Festival - New York, NY *
* Director(s) in attendance.